This is nauticAi!

We are the new and fresh Finnish Maritime SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) brand specialising in creating bespoke maritime awareness solutions for all kinds of shipping related operators. Our speciality is in IoT data and AI (Artificial Intelligence) assisted operational solutions.

Our offering includes

  • Easy-to-install onboard IoT-device with built-in AIS-receiver (for local traffic and ship location), motion sensor (for measuring roll and pitch), accelerometer (for measuring accelerations) and options to connect external signals
  • Ship tracking by Terrestrial AIS, Satellite-AIS or Internet-Satellite AIS (using our own nauticAi IoT device with built-in AIS-receiver)
  • Intelligent Operational awareness solutions and tools
  • AI-assisted and automated Bridge Operations Quality Assurance (BOQA) event tracking
  • White labelling to seamlessly integrate the solutions into the Corporate identity and brand

APIs are included

All our solutions, both onboard and ashore are built for the API economy, which means that all the data in the sensor onboard and in the shore-side solution is also machine readable by other systems such as ERP, vessel performance, cargo-tracking applications and data analysis platforms. nauticAi APIs are all included in the standard subscription price.